Motion scans

How can we get people moving in public space?

Luxembourg in Transition

How can we use soil and people as the foundation for a national transition?

Urban Forests

How can we bridge the gap between forestry and urban planning?

Learning Network Sustainable Cities

How can we shape a learning network on sustainable neighbourhoods for various Flemish institutions?

Living Lab BRV

How can we deploy new instruments for densification?

Playing Fabric Leuven

How can we give children a voice in designing their own play environment?

Study Flemish Calls

How can we increase the impact of spatial calls by the Flemish Government?

Study Living in Geraardsbergen

How can we set up a municipality-wide conversation about housing?

Research Focus Environmental Department

How can we co-create a 10-year departmental research focus?

Sustainable Development Plan Brussels 2020-40

How can we co-create the sustainable development plan of Brussels?

Cooperative Housing Study

How can we scale up an alternative to buying or renting in Belgium?

Behavioral Study 1 - Compact living

How can we live more compact in Flanders?

Behavioral Study 2 - Transport and Facilities

How can we better understand behavioural choices in relation to facilities?

Behavioral Study 3 - Living Influencers

How can we influence the living behaviour in Flanders?

Train Station Environments

How can we build better train station environments?

Studio Repurposing Churches

How can we redevelop empty churches to serve communities?


How can we identify modes of learning outside formal settings?

Safety in Public Space

How can we design safe public space?

Bovenbouw special

How can we build faster and more sustainably?

The social value of heritage

How can we capture the social value of heritage?

Assessment framework heritage

How can we consider the role of heritage in spatial development?

Living Study Ghent

How can we prepare a new housing policy in Ghent?

Anticipatory repurposing

How can we anticipate demand for space?

Positive energy districts

How can we manage uncertainty in positive energy district design?

Leader project Shared Farm Roads

How can we avoid conflict situations on agricultural roads?

Toolbox 'City Trees'

How can we grow networks of trees throughout the city?

Urban vision Ghent

How can we collaborate better in creating public space?

City-building 2.0

How can we create a new generation of urban public buildings?

Spatial lessons from the coronapandemic: Trends, scenarios and challenges

How can we understand the spatial impact of Corona in Flemish cities and municipalities from different sectors and learn from it for the future?

Social Neighbourhoods

How can we strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods?

Study ABO-axis

How can we rethinking a mobility axis as a lab for urban renewal?

Playing Fabric Beerse

How can we characterise a play environment together with children and young people?

Real Estate Strategy for Global Works Lier Region

How can we provide more temporary emergency and transit housing?

Social dimension of environmental policy

How can we make environmental policy more equitable?

Participation framework Flemish State Architect

How can we integrate meaningful participation in spatial design projects?

DUT 'Positive Energy Districts'

How can we work on Positive Energy Districts in vulnerable neighbourhoods?

Study 'Zero pollution'

How can we create awareness around pollution?

Making the construction process more sustainable

How can we facilitate sustainable construction?